Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Red Sox's ALS fan Paul Szantyr dreams of book home-run

Die-hard Boston Red Sox fan Paul Szantyr has written his memoirs of a monster that has no color, not even Green. Paul's monster is ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig's disease which challenges him daily.  If Major League Baseball or 4-ALS Awareness is in need of a real baseball story, here's your chance. He describes what it's like to be a member of the Red Sox's Nation and his gratitude to the number one ALS Advocate, Curt Schilling. All he needs for this home run book is a publisher.
From Paul's book he describes his situation:
Nobody EVER thinks it will happen to them! 

It's true, isn't it?  We're just not wired to think that way.   Nobody leaves their house in the morning thinking, 'Today, I just might come down with an incurable illness, so I better make these next few hours count for something.'   We are saddened when we hear that it's happened to someone else that we know -it's always the other guy, but me?  Naw, not me!
Yet, here I sit, almost 9 years since the first symptoms of Lou Gehrig's disease initially presented themselves, and I have a lap-full of regrets to ponder with no means of resolution on my immediate horizon.  In my on-going conversations with the Almighty, I often ruminate about how He could trust me to get my priorities right now; that if I could get my health back, I wouldn't squander opportunities to be a better Christian, a better husband, or even a better friend.  I know it's still not too late, but one of my fears is that if I suddenly become that person now, God will just think that I'm trying to get into heaven.

Baseball fans will appreciate the irony of the title: 
"How Does A Red Sox Fan Get Lou Gehrig's Disease?"
It has been seen by one publisher, and it is batting 1.000 for rejections.

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