Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nobody Tells a Dying Guy to Shut Up

Dave Chilcoat and his wife Beth came to Columbus, Ohio, in 1970 to start Young Life, a ministry dedicated to introducing adolescents to Christ. Ten years later, he felt called to law school and subsequently practiced law for 25 years. Blessed with work, four kids, (then) six granddaughters, golf to play and plenty of Pittsburgh sports on TV - Dave’s life was full.

In 2003, Dave was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). With that diagnosis, Dave and Beth’s circumstances changed dramatically, but their God did not.

Day by day, as ALS literally stole Dave’s health and strength, they watched the amazing miracle of God giving each of them spiritual strength in even greater abundance. Together they came to know God’s joy and His enabling power as He walked them though those difficult years.

Faced with the reality of death, Dave chose life. He captured and commented on the experience of living in dying through an online journal, a candid account of parallel progression - physical decay and spiritual growth. Dave wrote weekly for nearly three years and his chronicle was read by tens of thousands around the world. Like the Psalmist, he described his situation, poured out his heart and witnessed to God’s presence in it all.

Beth compiled this journal excerpt, which follows the progression of the disease, highlights their devotion to one another, and continues Dave’s remarkable expression of love for and faith in Jesus Christ with intensity and humor.

Dave taught thousands how to live through his Young Life ministry, speaking and teaching, and day-to-day faith. With this book he guides us through death into new life, trusting in the power of God’s love.

Paper or Hardback

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