Monday, June 29, 2009

ALS Flashback - Katie Couric

Jenifer Estess-Project ALS-

book "Tales from the Bed"

Today (video)- Katie Couric pays tribute to Project A.L.S. founder, Jenifer Estess. - December 17, 2003

NBC's Robert Bazell reports on Project A.L.S. gene therapy breakthrough - August 8, 2003
HBO documentary produced by Academy Award winner Sheila Nevins.
Katie Couric covers the early impact of Project A.L.S. - July 6, 2000
NBC Nighly News- Project A.L.S. profile - March 1, 2000
Charlie Rose interviews Jenifer Estess - February 16, 2000


Anonymous said...

So... How do we craft letters to make ALS a NEWS item? How do we plant some seeds that a news anchor or reporter would like to follow... "See this PALS who served in the military and can't get a service disability because of a slow diagnosis..." "See this PALS who was completely misdiagnosed by doctors for three years..." "See this PALS whose children have been turned into caregivers..." "See these PALS who can't get healthcare delivery to deliver fast enough..." "See these PALS who have served their country yet aren't counted by a Senator who likes to hold legislation..." "See these PALS who travel to DC at great expense and hassle to get 5 minutes of face time with an aide while lobbyists get the Congressman's time..." Perhaps we can get the attention of Katie and Charlie and others with some investigative angles that they might like to follow. I think it's a completely different pitch from Oprah et al, but when Katie and others know about ALS, it's certainly worth pursuing. iirc, Ann Curry of the Today Show /NBC News knows Augie and she also had a personal connection of some sort to ALS. ... and how many news reporters and broadcasters have we lost to ALS? Pitching ALS as a NEWS / investigative item is a worthwhile endeavor in addition to the celebrity pitch. Can we wake up some news echoes in Katie?

Anonymous said...

A good investigative reporter could make a career out of ALS.